Soft Fruits: Use fruits that can easily be squashed when pressed with a finger, this means they do not pose a choking risk. Soft fruits include: Raspberries, Bananas, Strawberries, Watermelon, Mango, Kiwi fruit, Peaches, Mango, Cantaloupe or Rock Melon.
Liquid: You can make these homemade teething pops with: Fresh breast milk, Cows milk, Dairy-free milk, Formula, plain yogurt or Water.
Popsicle Moulds: Any ice block, ice lolly or popsicle mold will work. I quite like to use the soft squeezable silicone ones.
Baby Led Weaning Notes
Be sure to choose soft fruits that are able to be squashed with a finger.
If you are choosing small round fruit such as blueberries or grapes beside to cut them into quarters before adding them to the popsicles.
If you have excess expressed breastmilk, try making breastmilk popsicles.
Choose unsweetened liquids such as breastmilk, water, milk or baby formula rather than juice.