If you are a visual learner you may want to check out the quick recipe video for this recipe before starting out.
In a bowl place dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, baking powder, and whisk together
Add wet ingredients (maple syrup, peanut butter, water) whisk. You want the batter to be quite loose, check out the video to see the texture. You may need to add a little extra water depending on the nut butter you have used or any ingredient substitutions you have made
Put into a large mug (at this stage you can choose to add dark chocolate drops, I add some into the middle and a few on the top to make it that little bit more indulgent
Prepare the microwave, either pop a paper towel down in the microwave or a small plate for you to sit the mug on, just in case there is any overflow--- I haven't had any overflow, but I do use a nice large mug
Microwave for 40 seconds to start. In my microwave (a 1100w microwave) this is perfect and still a bit gooey, you may need a little more or less so test it. Remember with a microwave recipe it often cooks a little more on sitting, so it's best to start with a shorter time frame
Serve with a dollop of creaminess, ie ice cream, vegan nice cream, yogurt, coconut yogurt, whichever tickles your fancy
Ingredient Substitutions
FLOUR: If you need this recipe to be gluten-free just sub for gluten-free flour
MAPLE SYRUP: No maple syrup, no problem, substitute for another liquid sweetener such as date syrup or honey (note recipe will not be vegan if honey is used) or any granulated sugar also works. If using granulated sugar you may need am extra splash of water
PEANUT BUTTER: This can be substituted for any nut butter, or a mild tasting oil like coconut oil also works.