24Soft toffee caramelsI used Werther Original Chewy Toffees
Warm two caramel/toffee sweets in your hands.
Roll the first toffee into a ball. Just like you would roll playdough into a ball. Place this ball on a piece of nonstick baking paper. Flatten the ball with the palm of your hand to make a flat disk. This will be the brim of the sorting hat.
Roll the second toffee into a cone shape, squish it a little to make it look like the rumpled shape of the sorting hat.
Use a spoon to create a mouth and 2 eyes. The rounded end of the spoon makes a down turned frowning mouth, and two diaganol lines are the sorting hat eyes.
Press the rumpled cone onto the disk, you now have a basic sorting hat.
Store the sorting hat cupcake toppers in an air tight container in a cool place. If you live in a hot climate keep them in the fridge until you are ready to serve them