Pop the chia seeds into the water and leave to stand for 10-15 minutes (they should begin to gel in this time)
Optional: For a softer smoother cookie blitz your rolled oats into a fine oat flour.
Wet ingredients
In a medium bowl mash the banana
Stir through the soaked chia seeds and vanilla
Add the oats, and flour, mix well. This should form a cookie dough with a quite a moist sticky texture.
Use a tablespoon to scoop the mixture, place dollops onto a baking paper lined tray. The mix will be quite sticky so forming perfect shapes will be tricky. I find damp hands is a good idea with this mix, (I get 20 tablespoons from this recipe), place the balls on a lined baking tray
Bake at 180 degrees Celsius (approx 360 F) for 25-30 mins, allow to cool
The cookies should have a soft texture
Store in an airtight container for 2 days, or freeze for up to 3 months and thaw as needed