Place ALL ingredients in a food processor EXCEPT the chocolate chips. Yes you put in the whole orange skin and all
Blitz until smooth
Add the choc chips and pulse just to disperse them through the mix
Use a tablespoon to scoop portions into the lined muffin tin. You can either just ‘plop’ the mix in and you will get rustic shaped muffins, or you can use wet hands (wet hands stops the mix sticking) and roll the mix into balls, pop these in the muffin cases and you will get more smooth looking muffins.. Both taste fine
Bake at 180 degrees for 15 mins
Remove from the oven and allow to cool then enjoy
I used maple syrup in this version but any sweetener will work, even regular plain sugar works fine
In the pics I topped the muffins with some extra choc chips, you don’t need to but you can
If you use dark chocolate dairy-free chocolate chips then this recipe is dairy free, vegan, egg free and grain free. But I didn’t make the recipe for any of those recipes I created the recipe as a way to make a yummy healthy fat loaded treat for me and my family.