Hull the strawberries (500 grams) and place them in a blender.
Add the lemon juice and honey to the blender with the strawberries, and blend until smooth.
Divide one half of the strawberry puree into the bottom of xx glasses. Set aside the other half of the strawberry purée.
In a cold bowl whip the cream, icing sugar and vanilla extract until stiff peaks form.
Fold the remaining strawberry puree through the whipped cream to make a creamy strawberry mousse.
Spoon the strawberry mousse into the glasses on top of the strawberry puree
Refrigerate for one hour or overnight before serving.
Macerated Strawberries (optional)
Hull and dice the strawberries, place in a bowl and sprinkle with the icing sugar.
Stir the strawberries so they are all coated with a little sugar, then refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Spoon the macerated strawberries on top of the strawberry mousse before serving.
To make this strawberry mouse even more simple, instead of serving in individual bowls you can make it in a large dish and portion it into bowls when serving.
Cream: In New Zealand we keep things simple with only really one type of cream available. It has around 35% fat which means it is similar to American heavy whipping cream or double cream. Coconut cream can be used to make a dairy-free whipped cream.
Honey: If you are making this for kids under one year of age, swap for maple syrup. You can also substitute the honey for icing sugar, powdered sugar if you are US based.
Lemon juice: This is not essential but it does enhance the freshness and brightness of the strawberries.
A little vanilla extract adds natural sweetness flavor and to this recipe.
If your strawberries are a little past their best, then this recipe is perfect! You can also use defrosted frozen strawberries.
To make this strawberry mouse even more simple, instead of serving in individual bowls you can make it in a large dish and portion it into bowls when serving.