Mix oats, milk and optional vanilla together, if you have time, let them soak for a few minutes as you will get a better result in the end.
Press into the bottom of a small microwave-proof dish
Microwave on high for 40 seconds, check to see if they are cooked (they are cooked when the mixture is firm to the touch and pulling away from the edges of the dish) if the mix has not reached this stage microwave for a further 20 seconds or until cooked
Cool in the dish for a few minutes, remove from dish and slice into fingers
Check they are a safe temperature before giving them to your baby
Blueberry Porridge Fingers
Blend the blueberries, milk and optional vanilla together
Mix this with the oats
(Continue from step 2 of the Plain Porridge Finger recipe)
Banana Porridge Fingers
Follow the steps for the plain porridge fingers, adding the mashed banana at step 1
Apple Cinnamon Porridge Fingers
Follow the steps for the plain porridge fingers, adding the grated apple and cinnamon at step 1
I use my babies silicon divided plate to cook these as it is a good sizeSee information above about what sort of oats are best for these porridge finger