1 Glass bowl or jug Must be microwave proof tempered glass
1 Microwave proof plate Ceramic
¼cuppopcorn kernels
1teaspooncoconut oil
Place the coconut oil in the bottom of a large microwave-proof mixing bowl (minimum capacity 8 cups).If it's not already liquid, melt it in the microwave.
Add the popcorn kernels then toss or stir the kernels so that they all become coated in a little oil.
Place in the microwave and cook on high power for 2-5 minutes. The cooking time will vary depending on your microwave's power. Listen to the pops. To begin with, there will be no popping, then there should be rapid popping. It is time to turn off the microwave when the popping slows and there is a two-second pause between pops.
Turn off the microwave. The bowl and plate will be very hot. Carefully remove the plate from the bowl. Leave the popcorn to cool for a few minutes, before carefully removing the bowl from the microwave.
¼ cup of popcorn kernels will make 4-5 cups of popped corn, if you have a large enough bowl you can increase this recipe to ½ cup of popping kernels with 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil.
Cook time for microwave popcorn will vary a little dependent on the amount of popping corn you have in your bowl and the power rating of your microwave.
Stick by the 2 second rule, it is better to have a few un-popped popcorn kernels than it is to have burnt popcorn!
Once your popcorn is finished popping you can add flavorings such as: melted butter or salt.
Popcorn kernels: These may also be called popping corn.
Coconut oil: You can actually use any oil to make popcorn, including olive oil or rice bran oil.
Popcorn is not suitable for baby led weaning.
Many experts and feeding guidelines from different countries advise avoiding popcorn for children under the age of four as it is a known choking hazard.