Remove the label from a can of sweetened condensed milk.
Place the can in your slow cooker.
Quick Method
Fill the slow cooker with boiling water so that the entire can is covered.
Turn your slow cooker on to high, and cook for 3-4 hours.Remove the can of condensed milk from the slow cooker using tongs and leave to cool before opening.
Slow Method
Fill the slow cooker with cold tap water so that the entire can is covered.
Turn your slow cooker on to high, and cook for 8 hours.Remove the can of condensed milk from the slow cooker using tongs and leave to cool before opening.
For a dairy free or vegan alternative you can use coconut sweetened condensed milk.
This recipe will not work with evaporated milk or reduced cream.
You can make more than one can of condensed milk caramel at one time, ensure the cans are well spread out so that there is plenty of water around each can.
Right the date you made the caramel on the can, unopened it will last up to a month.
Store leftover caramel in an airtight container in the fridge.
Condensed milk caramel is delicious served as a dip on a fruit platter for a special occasion, drizzled over apple nachos, or with pancakes .